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Low sulphur oil

A lot of awareness has been created the world over, about pollution and the resultant green house effect. Much has been said and written by the ‘acid rain' that is caused due to excessive pollutants in the atmosphere. This phenomenon is known to cause severe damage to vegetation and affects human beings and animals alike.

All countries across the globe have taken active steps to reduce air pollutants emitted by vehicular traffic. Leaded petrol is now mostly replaced by the relatively safer unleaded petrol. This has lead to a remarkable decrease in pollution, as lead was found to be one of the major problem factors.

The other important step towards reducing dangerous traffic emissions is the reduction of the sulphur content in the fuel. Introduction of low sulphur oil was done to confirm with the international emission standards. By definition, low sulphur oil is that oil that contains less than one percent of sulphur in it.

The sulphur content in diesel-run vehicles has been found to be extremely dangerous, as these emissions create what are referred to as particulates in the atmosphere. It was found that there was a direct relationship between sulphur content in the oil and the density of the particulates. Hence it was inferred that using low sulphur oil content in the fuel would sufficiently reduce the pollutants too.

In order to help matters, it was suggested to incorporate a high content of low sulphur in crude oil itself.

The Sulphur Content of Liquid Fuels Directive was implemented in the UK and this gave directives to use low sulphur oil. This also restricted the use of sulphur in marines as well. There is also an upper limit on total sulphur dioxide emissions.

Some companies have come out with low sulphur oil, many even with extra-low sulphur oil.

Minimizing the sulphur content in oil is a landmark event. It makes the air cleaner and easier to breathe in! Governments of the world are working hard to make laws to ensure that lesser and lesser vehicles use high sulphur-content oil and opt for low sulphur oil instead. Of course, the difference might not show up immediately, but if this trend continues (and it seems like it will!), there will definitely be a lessening of general pollution everywhere.

Switching to low sulphur oil is beneficial in many other ways too. Being a cost-effective option, it also cleans up the air, specially helping over a period of time, in heavy traffic congested areas.

Many leading petroleum companies like BP have made the shift form high-sulphur to low sulphur oils, as they feel they not only reduce pollution levels, but also reduce the brown haze and help keep the engine clearer, thus improving general maintenance of a vehicle. Many refineries and power plants have also understood the implication of sulphur in the environment. They are now shifting to sulfur-free oils and fuels.

Though it has been made a law by Governments all over the world to reduce the amount of sulphur in oils and fuels, there are still quite a few countries that have not willingly and actively adopted it yet. Many countries in Asia are still to convert totally to low sulfur fuels.