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What kind of work position would suit me best in this industry?

What kind of career can the Oil and Gas Industry offer you? First of all, the Oil and Gas industry is a very versatile industry located all over the world. Map of the countries that are member of the OPEC

Competition is big and the world's money revolves around oil and gas and its businesses. Contrary to the popular belief that the oil industry is killing alternative energy sectors, it's actual fueling more and more renewable energy jobs each year with its investments on related studies. For this reason the industry is an innovative industry that at first glance may still look 2 or 3 decades ago behind, since it is still producing the same product, but the corporation and their systems are always changing to get better and better.

Big Cooperations

The industry and the cooperations are big. Why is this important? In order to grow and have real career opportunities you need to join a business that is able to provide that. Oil and companies give you these opportunities and are able to reward your talents and efforts with a professional career, which would either make you a specialist in your major or job field or a climber on the management ladder. This is all possible in the oil and gas industry.

Work Opportunities

Big cooperations such as General Electric, Ford amongst others are big sized companies with a lot of career opportunities to offer. One thing they rely on is the economy just as any other business and for this reason they had to cut costs the last couple of years, which resulted in major lay-offs. In those lay-offs not only people who were functioning less than other co-workers asked to leave, but also the talented ones were asked to clear their desk as well.

However, Oil and Gas companies, as well as the supporting engineering groups, are having a hard time getting the people they need - experienced and young motivated people who are eager to learn the business.