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What is LNG? (Liquefied Natural Gas)

What is LNG? LNG or Liquefied Natural Gas is specially processed natural gas. The natural gas is processed for one of two results; Valuable components have been removed from the natural gas. Typically helium has been removed for separate usage due to its value. Water and hydrocarbons, which qualify as impurities, are the second component, which may have been removed from the natural gas. The natural gas is then transformed into a liquid by cooling it to -163 Celsius at slightly less than 1 atmospheric pressure.

Liquefied Natural Gas is condensed and in liquid form; which makes it easier and less expensive to transport over long distance than equivalent amounts of regular natural gas. In its condensed form Liquefied Natural Gas takes up 1/614th of the space of regular natural gas. The only prerequisite is that because of the temperature of the LNG, it must be transported in special constructed containers.

What is LNG (Liquefied natural gas) but a good option when no pipeline is available to convey the natural gas from its origin to the cleaning plant, and then onward once more to the end user.

The energy density of LNG is approximately equivalent to that of diesel or gasoline, but produces less pollution since the pollutants must be removed before putting the natural gas in liquid form. Conversely, the higher cost of production and the inconvenient transportation required have prevented LNG from being more widely used in commercial applications.

When natural gas is processed and impurities are removed which will freeze at a lesser temperature than that at which methane liquefies (161.6 Celsius), the resultant product is usually about 90% methane. It may also contain minute amounts of ethane, butane, propane and some alkanes. It is also possible to set up the purification process to produce almost 100% pure methane

What is LNG largest plant in the world today is found in Egypt. It is capable of producing 5 million tons of LNG per year. In order to produce and transport LNG, the following items must be available. 1) AN LNG plant with space for one or more LNG "trains". 2) Load out terminals to keep produce moving. 3) LNG vessels for transport 4) a receiving terminal at the opposite end. The receiving terminals also perform regasification duties for the LNG. From there, the reconstituted gas can flow normally through the pipelines to the end user.

Most LNG plants are located in areas not served by a pipeline. The market for What is LNG is small but mature. But the cost of the plants is so large that it requires a consortium of buyers to finance such a capital venture. However, the price of the plant construction has now fallen significantly, meaning that more plants are contemplated, at least in the United States.

So, again, what is LNG? It is a long running form of natural qas, which has been in commercial use for several years, long enough to get the bugs worked out- pick where you want to reconstruct your chemicals and the work can all be done at the same time.